Saturday, November 29, 2008

8 Things....

Dr. Write tagged me, again, so here are my lists:

8 shows I watch:
Without A Trace
CSI(the real one)
Samantha Who?
Project Runway
So You Think You Can Dance?
Barefoot Contessa

8 restaurants I love:
PF Chang's
Pei Wei
The Barrio
Caffe Boa
Kid friendly ones that also serve great food!!

8 things I did yesterday:
Grade notebooks
Go on Facebook
Talk on the phone
Take dog for a walk
Snuggle with the girls

8 things I am looking forward to:
Finishing this semester
Vegas in December
Finishing my PhD
Watching my daughters grow up
Growing old with my husband
Bush's last day in office

8 things I wish for:
Many more years with my husband
Health and happiness for me and my family
WalMart to go out of business :)
Cool weather for awhile
My girls to able to fulfill their dreams
Spend a couple of months in Europe
That bad people get what they deserve
That good people get what they deserve

8 things I love, in no particular order:
My wonderful husband
My fantastic daughters
My whole family
My dog Bailey
Mexican food

8 things I can't stand, in no particular order:
Rude people (especially at Christmas time)
All the hype over a poorly written vampire book
Anything to do with vampires
Poor service at restaurants or stores
Arrogant people who don't know or care that they are arrogant
People who drive toooooo slow
When my children are hurt or sad

Well that was a bit harder than I thought but I did it. What's next???


Dr Write said...

Good ones. I love that you got vampires AND walmart in there. Nice work.
Now, have some Mexican food and a cocktail and relax. Aah!

Nik said...

I think I've found a compatriot in in you in my hatred of Walmart. Up here, there's no Costco, only that Walmart cousin Sam's Club. So do I go without? Yes I do. I haven't seen a gigantic block of Parmesan in over four months.
And they're building a super Walmart. I may have to protest.