Friday, November 02, 2007

They Grow Up and Break Your Heart

My oldest daughter discovered the secret last year behind the "tooth fairy" when she was only 6 years old. At the same time she questioned me about Santa but I did a good job of distracting her hoping she would forget all about it. No such luck. Last week she says "Mom. Is Santa dead?" To which I replied "Well there was a man that gave gifts to kids and he got the name St. Nick or Santa Claus." She thought for a minute and said "Well there is no such thing as magic and he couldn't still be alive. I figure since you and Dad are the tooth fairy you are probably Santa too." I took a deep breath and instead of bursting into tears I said "Maybe you could go talk to your Dad about this." and talk she did. She took it pretty well. Later I asked her about it and she said "It's alright Mom, I understand. And I won't tell sissy. I have been good about the tooth fairy right?" Wow. It's just that I thought we could do the Santa thing for awhile still. She's getting older and smarter every minute and I can't stop it. Not that I want to, at least not all the time. She used to ask me questions that were easy to answer but now it's a whole different ball game!! At least the baby still believes. For now. But she is working on not sucking her thumb and as much as I want her to stop there is a part of me that longs for the days when she would sit on my lap, thumb in mouth and fall fast asleep. She said "Mom I am betting bigger now. I didn't suck my thumb at all." These are just the beginning steps of their life long journey that will eventually lead them out of my house.


Dr Write said...

Aww! I'm not ready for the unmasking of Santa OR the tooth fairy. But once they're at school...there's always that one kid who knows...
In any case, no matter how big they are or how smart, they're still our babies.

Dr Write said...

I tagged you. See my blog for details.