Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Inspired by Dr. Write, I have compiled a list of a confessional nature.

1) Sometimes when I am over at other people's houses and I go into their bathroom, I switch the toilet paper roll. I like it when the roll of paper goes over the roll and hangs over the top instead of coming from the you know what I mean? Anyway I can't stand it when it hangs from the bottom and I have, on several occasions, changed the roll without telling anyone. Perhaps this is my form of OCD or something.

2) I wish I were taller. I know. I am 5' 7" and as my friend once said to me: "That's tall for a girl." Still I would like to be 5'10" or so. Since I can't get taller I wear heels. My friends all laugh at me because most of them are shorter than me to begin with but I like it. Pretending to be taller.

3) I miss the seasons. Don't get me wrong I like warm weather but I must say it is getting a bit redundant. When we went to Flagstaff and the girls saw the colors of the leaves they were in awe. Do palm trees change colors? Or cacti???

4) I wish I could sing. I wish that I could open my mouth and effortlessly produce a beautiful, pitch perfect, on-tune song that gives people goose bumps. Maybe this comes from watching too much American Idol or something.

I think that is it for now. I can't think of anything clever to say to end this because I have two girls who need to be tucked in. So here I go, ready to tuck.

1 comment:

Dr Write said...

I have the same feeling about the toilet paper. and I also wish I could sing. Just the other day I was contemplating taking singing lessons. And I feel taller, though I'm really not. I guess heels would help.