Monday, November 05, 2007

7 things about me

I was "tagged" my Dr. Write so I am going to try to make a list of 7 things about me. Let's see how this goes...

1) I don't care what people think. Really. Except when I say something that sounded better inside my head and realize that it was better left unsaid. Of course, if I give it a few minutes, I get over it pretty quickly.
2) My favorite novel that I had to read for school is Catch 22. I love it!
3) My favorite movies are(in no particular order): Legally Blonde, When Harry Met Sally, Mary Poppins, It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street and old movies with actors like Cary Grant or Jimmy Stewart or Rock Hudson. I can't take horror flicks. They are way too scary in a bloody gory kinda way and I get nightmares..I know!!
4) I am deathly afraid of heights, enclosed spaces and dying while my children are still young. I don't like sleeping alone but I also don't like being touched while trying to sleep.
5) I read books by authors like John Grisham in my bed so that not everything I read in a day is about curriculum or education theory. I will read just about anything except science fiction. The closest I came to reading scifi was A Wrinkle In Time-one of the best books ever!!
6) I can't watch the news at all. Ever. I always cry and then get mad. Besides news is way too sensationalized for me. I also can't watch shows that are about children getting hurt or dying.
7) I am not as neat as I would like to be and I don't really like cleaning I just like having a clean house. I am training the girls now to help out in this.

That was harder than I thought it would be. But there you go. I am not sure who to tag so I guess that is it.


Dr Write said...

But your house is pretty clean...suspicious. Do you want to come clean mine?
I also love "When Harry Met Sally" and watch it more often than one might suspect...
I also loved Catch-22. We had to read it for Mrs. Soderquist's class. Is that when you read it? I wrote a paper about the prostitutes.
I'm trying to teach Son to clean his room, but it's not working too well. Right now his floor is covered in legos.
Good list!

ErinAlice said...

Yes and I wrote about Milo- Is that his name?? I still have the paper, it is in my garage if you can believe that. Well I DO clean I just don't like it. The teaching of the cleaning is probably one of my least favorite motherly duties!! My girls' floor-covered in Barbies and Polly Pockets.

middlebrow said...

Now I think someone may be getting a sci-fi novel as a stocking stuff for Xmas! I bet I can find you a sci-fi novel you would like.