Thursday, September 21, 2006

Blog, Blog, Blog...

Okay after a verbal reprimand from Dr. Write, who sometimes doubles as my sister( older of course, is there any other kind?) I am blogging again. I did not realize how addicting this can be. I find myself lying in bed trying to remember if I blogged or checked my favorite blogs or I am thinking about what to write in my blog or how to respond to someone else's. Jeez!!! In between all of this blogging I am trying to read and do research. I am supposed to observe adolescents in their natural habitat. So my family and I are going to attend a local HS football game next Friday. I wonder, have things changed since I went to one of those almost 20 years ago? Does the head cheerleader look like Barbie and date the quarterback? What will they be talking about? Will they even be talking to each other or just texting the person next to them......I wonder if all those insecurites I felt in HS will come back even though I am old enough to be their mom. What will the girls see? I keep thinking I should warn them or something. Should be interesting!

1 comment:

Dr. Write said...

Did you watch "Grey's Anatomy" last night? Callie, George's girlfriend, said that residency was like "high school with scalpels." Ha ha!! I wish I had had a scalpel in high school. But, you were a cheerleader. Okay, not in HS, but still. A football game sounds fun, as long as you don't care.
And yes, they will be texting. When I was in Chicago at that dance club, people had their phones out _while they were dancing_. I ask you, is nothing sacred?