Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My obessesions etc.

Okay so I was thinking about several things I seem to be obsessed with lately. The first one is WIthout A Trace but more specifically Anthony LaPaglia...I mean I think he is old enough to be my well uncle at least but there is just something about him. Also the Food Network. Everyone makes the food look so darn good I just can't help myself from going out to the kitchen and trying it. Of course the food usually turns a bit different when I make it but fun nevertheless. I am also in love with Project Runway. I don't know if it's because it is something that I could just never ever do and I am fascinated by it or if I just like watching people be petty....maybe a little of both. The daughters sometime join me in watching this but I don't think they like it much until the runway part. The models, they so adeptly noted, look weird......maybe amaciated is the word they were looking for. I also happened upon The Girls Next Door, a show about Playboy bunnies. I believe this is one of the most disturbing shows I ever seen. Three young, bleached blonde girls with implants and spray on tans. Hugh was filmed rubbing the abnormally flat stomachs of one of the "bunnies". Oh heavens!! Then one of them flashed a group of construction workers and said" I think I just made their, made their like, life." And then did one of those airhead laughs...Oh yea, I am sure. If only I had known that's what it took!! Daughters will never ever see that show.


Dr. Write said...

Now you're making me sad that I don't have cable, if only for all the cooking shows and blonde jokes. But I share your obsession with Anthony. He's sort of cute in a gruff kind of way. He's a take charge kind of guy. Not like some people we know. (ha!)

Dr. Write said...

The movie I was telling you about is Winter Solstice
Follow the link to find out more. Also lots of pics at IMDB if you just type in his name. MMM. Cute.