Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Future plans and thoughts on Britney Spears

After reading Dr. Write's post I thought that I too should share about my oldest daughters recent plans for her future. She seems to have lost interest in boys for now and while I am sure this is a temporary condition, I applaud it. She knows that a "daddy" is required if one is to have a baby and yes we told her this is with a husband....I will break her in easy where that is concerned. So she tells her father and I that she will get married ie. get a husband, have children and then get a divorce because, she tells me, she wants to be a single. Then her and little sister will move in together and get cats. Well there you go. On a only slightly related topic, she saw a picture of Britney Spears the other day and called her the " girl that does inappropriate things". Pure poetry. I couldn't make this stuff up....


Dr. Write said...

Today Son was talking (to himself? an imaginary friend? unknown) about Halloween. He said, "I'm going to make them tremble. Death! Death, I say!"
What do you think? Does he have a future in Shakespearean theater?

Dr. Write said...

You've got to blog more often, dammit!!