Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My vocabulary

Okay I always knew I had a weak vocabulary but listening to professors night after night only serves to reinforce my apparent gap in intelligence. (that and having had to take the GRE). So I get a Word of the Day on my Google home page. . He often appears supercilious when he uses those arcane words and refuses to surcease. I think he believes they give his story more versmilitude. Any idea which 4 words were on my webpage???? It sure makes me sound like I know what I am talking about and that I am more educated then I am. Maybe this is the key to being a professor...use big words that no one can remember the meaning to.


middlebrow said...

I'm a big fan of verisimilitude. Better that simulacrum.

Dr. Write said...
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Dr. Write said...

You can't just make up words and pretend they're real. Just kidding. You can. I do it all the time. Like, in the middle of my classes. The ones I'm teaching.
Yes, very impressive.