Sunday, April 18, 2010

Happy April

I am really pathetic at this blogging thing. I spend an inordinate amount of time in front of my computer but never seem to make it over here. April has been an eventful month, a new car, another year older for me and my daughter and Easter. Here are a few pictures of the various ways in which I have been spending my time, in case you were wondering.


Dr Write said...

What are you doing in that first picture? Oh wait, that's Emma!

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Unknown said...

You have a great idea for a blog here you know.

Read mine?

Fowl Ideas said...

The "next blog" button hath functioned correctly...

Given the date stamps on your posts, you don't waste a lot of time blogging.

And the "next blog" button taketh away...

Lingerie sexy said...

Like your blog, thank you for your sharing said...

You have a really nice looking family!

AngularJS Developer said...

Nice post, keep going

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