Thursday, August 14, 2008

Telltale signs you live with children.

1. You find stickers in random places, like the bottom of your shoe, the middle of the kitchen floor or stuck randomly to bedroom doors.
2. You spend some morning untangling necklaces and many evenings braiding Barbie's hair.
3.While vacuuming you find itty bitty Polly Pocket shoes and tops buried in the carpet.
4.You open up your cell phone to find that your wallpaper has been changed as well as a ring tone or two.
5. You know most of the words to more than 2 recent Disney movies.
6. You find yourself singing songs from afore mentioned movies when your children aren't even around.
7. Hannah Montana songs are on your iPod.

I am sure they are many, many more....

1 comment:

Dr Write said...

Thank goodness there are no Hannah Montana songs on MY ipod....
I remember having a weird out of body experience when MB asked me one time, "Could you take the dinosaurs out of the dish drainer?"
Dinosaurs in the dish drainer: another tell tale sign you live with kids.
Also: floor covered with legos.