Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Funny conversation with daughters

A few weeks ago, while in the bathtub, my oldest daughter said "Mom, can you say touche to yourself?" to which I replied a very intelligent "Huh?"
Daughter: You know, you say touche when someone makes a better point."
Me: Yes. I know what it means.
Daughter: So, can you say it to yourself?
Me: Why?
Daughter: Because I was talking to myself and I made a point and then I made an even better point.
Me: Sure honey. If it's just you, I guess you can do what you want.
Daughter: Oh, okay. Good.

Then a few days ago, after we had gone back to school shopping we were all sitting down eating lunch when my youngest daughter said: "Mom. I love shopping." My mother asked her "Would you like it if all you did was just look around and you didn't buy anything?" She did not need to think about her answer. She answered very emphatically "No!"

Oh boy!!!

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