Thursday, July 31, 2008

John Mayer

Wayne and I went to see John Mayer again this year and it was, of course, fabulous. It is interesting to observe our concert watching skills because they are, well, very different.
Let me give you an example of the conversations we had:

(Crowd is going wild, house lights dim, stage lights flashing)

Me: Is that John Mayer?
W: Hey, what guitar is that?

(Spotlight shines on John and crowd goes wild).

Me: Oh my gosh! He shaved his head!
W: Sweet. Look at that guitar.
Me: Ugh. Look at that arm tattoo.
W: Oh man. Do you see that amp he is using?
Me: What kind of funky pants is he wearing?
W: Yea. That guitar is so great. It is a (blah, blah, blah).

Pretty funny. Some of my favorite parts were:

1) When he sang Stitched Up. I love that song,
2) When he played his version of Guns and Roses' "Sweet Child of Mine" and imitated Axl. Pretty hilarious.
3) The group of teenage girls next to us. One of them said "Oh my gosh, he looked at us!"(of course we were a few rows back and there isn't any way he even saw them) and then as a group: "John Mayer is sexy!" They were pretty cute.

Rock on!!!

1 comment:

Dr Write said...

Sounds fun. I love concerts. Especially listening to other people. I'm sure he saw those girls next to and will soon be carrying on affairs with one or more of them. That happens all the time.
I can't believe he shaved his head either!! But I bet he's still cute. I think he's playing here soon.