Thursday, June 26, 2008

Recent conversations with the girls

(In Costco)
S: Mom, I can't go to college. I don't even know how to divide yet.
Me: Well honey you wouldn't go now. You have about 10 years. I'm pretty sure you'll know by then.
E: Yea mom I can't go either. I barely know how to add and subtract.
Me: Dear, you have about 12 years. I wouldn't worry about it.
Both: Hey mom, get those chips!!!

(In the car-sometime later)
S: Mom. A kid in my class told me that sex was when a boy and girl kiss in bed. Is that true??
Me: Um. Yea...
S: Mom, that. is. disgusting!!
Me: Um. Okay...
S: Oh, turn up this song!!

Never a dull moment.


middlebrow said...

I response to the first dialogue:

Can't do long division? No problem. Become a humanities major!

Dr Write said...

Exactly. I like how distractable they are. Don't want to talk about sex? Wave chips in front of them! Turn up the radio! Party party!!
I don't know how to do long division either and it hasn't stopped me. Tell her that!