Friday, April 25, 2008


What exactly are these pictures of? You might ask.. Well one of my oldest daughter's friends-I'll call her Alice, is Eddie Vedder's(of Pearl Jam) first cousin. How? Well Alice's dad is Eddie's uncle because he and Eddie's mom are brother and sister. Confused??? Well anyway, he was in town and Alice's mom and dad, knowing how much of a fan the hubby is, offered to have him sign this cover that we have hanging in our music room. How cool is that!?!?!?!?! . Sweet. Rock on Eddie. Rock on.


Dr Write said...

Wow!! That's cool. And now you have a collector's item. You could take it on Antique Roadshow. Or your daughters can in 20 years.

ErinAlice said...

Yea, give it awhile. It is cool though. Not likely the hubby will part with that anytime soon.