Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Our Jewish Santa

At school, my oldest daughter is learning about Hannukah. She has been singing songs about it for days. The other day she asked if we could be Jewish so we could light the menorah and so she could get presents for 8 days instead of just one! Well I told her we didn't have to be Jewish to light a menorah. She wasn't sure about that, she was concerned about being arrested. Well after we got that all squared away we decided to get a menorah and light a candle each night. Now my husband and I don't have any idea what we are doing but our girls won't know the difference. I thought it was cute of her to suggest it in the first place. So we will be lighting our menorah, which is next to the tree, which is by the nativity scene. I really hope I'm not screwin them up too bad!! It should be a very interesting 8 days.

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