Monday, November 27, 2006

Morons and other mysteries of life

My youngest daughter called my oldest daughter a moron this morning. They did not know what it meant so I told them it was someone who was well maybe not so intelligent and that they were not to call each other or anyone else that. My oldest daughter then replied: "Well but aren't there people who are morons?"
Yes, there was a slight pause...I mean when you're right, you're right.

I didn't really have anything intelligent to say. I was, at that moment, a moron. I am sure it won't be my last.

1 comment:

Dr. Write said...

I love it when kids see through our "rules" to the truth. Of course, Son knows there are lots of people out there who are idiots, etc. because he is often in the car when I identify them as they pull out in front of me, tailgate, etc.