Monday, May 14, 2007

Just call me Betty Crocker. I'll even settle for June Cleaver!!

For Mother's Day, Daughter 2's preschool had a mom's tea. In anticipation of this, they completed a book about their moms by filling in the blanks on pages of a book describing their mom. Here are a few of my daughter's best:

My mom is 56 years old. Her favorite thing to do around the house is clean the counter. Her favorite thing to do in all the world is cook. She is so pretty when she wears high heeled shoes. :) Wow that makes me look good. I guess if it is something you do a lot your kids will think it is your favorite thing to do. So here I am, in my high heeled shoes, cooking and cleaning the counter. Well at least I am not barefoot...


Anita said...

For some reason I can't get the image of you wearing black patent slingback stiletos and a pink floral apron wiping your counter out of my head.....

Dr. Write said...

Ha! Ha ha!! She has a career as a humor writer. I _know_ your favorite thing to do is clean the counter. In your high heels.
And did I mention how great you look for 56? You look fabulous. In your high heeled shoes.