Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I have no idea where he is....

That's him right there, on the left...waiting!

So not only are the girls in a sport, now the hubby has joined a hockey team. The first game was Friday night. They did not win but it was fun to watch. The pictures aren't that great-it's hard to get a hockey action shot!! Go Chiefs!!


Dr Write said...

That sounds like fun (watching, I mean). Ross's friend is really into hockey. We should go to one of his games sometime.

middlebrow said...

Excellent. I'm all for playing sports well into and past one's forties.

Anita said...

Erik plays hockey too - on a rec. league for the past 10 or so years. He loves it and it helps him to relieve stress by knocking into other guys (I choose a glass of wine for my stress....but to each his own I guess :) go Wayne!

gold coins and treasure said...

I like this blog