Monday, March 10, 2008

Losing my mommy card???

Awhile ago the girls were fighting. I mean really physically fighting. For the first time. It was close to bedtime and here is part of our conversation:

Me: Ok girls. When you make bad choices then you get consequences. It is NOT okay to hurt each other. So as a consequence I am not reading to you tonight.
(dramatic pause)
D#2: (2 big deep dramatic sighs)But mooommmmyyy I have bad dreams if you don't read to me.
D#1: Me too Mom. Don't take away a story. Can't you take away our Wii or our Gameboys? Yea take away our Gameboys.
Me: But if you WANT me to take it away then it isn't a very good consequence is it??
Both girls: But moooommmmyyy(serious crying)....

It was rough night. But I ask you-what kind of a mother takes away reading??? What the heck?? I know it is what they love the most at night but geez as a mother and a teacher I can scarcely believe it myself. I think I am seriously in danger of losing my mommy card. But, it did the trick, at least so far. Oh and they did NOT have bad dreams. This is good because I don't think my conscience could have taken that.


Dr Write said...

I do it too! Even as I hear myself say it, I cringe. But it works. I usually use it as a "natural" consequence, as in "If you insist on playing with your castle instead of brushing your teeth, then I won't have time to read to you."
But sometimes I don't want to read because it makes me miss "The New Adventures of Old Christine." Sigh.

Anita said...

It's our job to parent if it means taking away something that they like in order to make our stinks for you that the thing they like happens to be something you LIKE them to LIKE! That's a tough one!