Friday, March 02, 2007

What's that mean?

Well the husband and I have realized we have moved into a new stage with our daughters. They are now discovering that there words out there that are considered "swear words" and this has caused lots of commotion as you can imagine. Here is an example of some of the conversations we have been having.

Daughter 2(after seeing Dad hit a great golf shot) Wow Dad, that was hot shit!
Dad: Hmm. Where did you hear that?
Daughter 2: A guy golfing said it.
Dad: Do you know what it means?
Daughter 2: No.
Dad: Well Shit means poop.
Daughter 2: You mean like dog poop?
Dad: Yea.
Daughter 2: Oh.(Wheels turning in head)

A few nights later:

Daughter 1: Hey Dad. What is the "F" word. I know it's not fat or fudge because that boy (from A Christmas Story) wouldn't get his mouth washed out with soap for saying those words.
Dad: I'll tell you when you are older.
Daughter 1: Why?
Dad: Because.
Daughter 1: But I won't say it. Please.
Dad: I'll tell you when you get older.
Daughter 1: When will that be?
Dad: I don't know.

Wow. Well it will be interesting to see what new words they start coming home with. I can't wait. Really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha daughter 1 and 2 are quite funny

xoxoxox~ elizabeth